This is voted on by Life Members and Special Guests at the Opening Ceremony and is announced on the day. All Life Members and Special Guests are given voting slips prior to the Opening Ceremony March Past listing the names of all the clubs participating. Voting takes place during the March Past. Shortly afterwards the votes are gathered and tallied by the Executive Committee. Once the winner is confirmed the Centre President is notified and an announcement is made at the conclusion of the ceremonies. The March Past shield is engraved and presented at the Closing Ceremony.
2022/23 | Kewdale | |
2021/22 | Forrestfield | |
2020/21 | Kalamunda/Lesmurdie | |
2019/20 | Kelmscott | |
2018/19 | High Wycombe | |
2017/18 | Forrestfield | |
2016/17 | Forrestfield | |
2015/16 | Forrestfield | |
2014/15 | Carlisle/Rivervale | |
2013/14 | -not awarded this season- | |
2012/13 | High Wycombe | |
2011/12 | Kalamunda/Lesmurdie | |
2010/11 | High Wycombe | |
2009/10 | Kewdale | |
2008/09 | Carlisle/Rivervale | |
2007/08 | Kewdale | |
2006/07 | Carlisle/Rivervale | |
2005/06 | High Wycombe | |
2004/05 | Carlisle/Rivervale | |
2003/04 | High Wycombe & Kewdale | |
2002/03 | High Wycombe | |
2001/02 | Belmay | |
2000/01 | High Wycombe | |
1999/00 | Forrestfield | |
1998/99 | Kewdale | |
1997/98 | Kewdale | |
1996/97 | Forrestfield | |
1995/96 | Belmay | |
1994/95 | Carlisle | |
1993/94 | Kalamunda/Lesmurdie | |
1992/93 | Kalamunda/Lesmurdie |